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ETP Data Systems' CSR strategy

ETP data systems - Provigis badge
ETP data systems - Ecovadis badge

For ETP Data Systems, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR*) is a key aspect of its global strategy, with important implications for its managers and employees. It also meets the expectations of its customers and partners.

ETP Data Systems is committed to considering these CSR aspects in its activities as part of an evolving approach.

The company wishes to define CSR actions in line with its activities.

For ETP Data Systems, this is a voluntary commitment, since the company is committing itself on its own initiative, mainly thanks to the awareness of its managers, without having to do so by virtue of any regulation or legal obligation.

ETP Data Systems' 3 CSR pillars are :

- Responsible governance,

- Social responsibility and human values,

- Environmental responsibility.

The legal and regulatory framework for CSR is evolving, particularly in response to climate and economic issues.

This means that ETP Data Systems, like all small businesses, will probably have to comply with new legal obligations within the next few years.

* CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is defined as all activities undertaken with the aim of contributing to climate, social and societal concerns.